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The Game Changer

East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP).According to the 2015 World Bank Enterprise Surveys, over 25 percent of the formal firms surveyed in Sub-Saharan Africa identify an inadequately educated workforce as a major constraint,

The Meru National Polytechnic
EASTRIP website

and over 29 percent of all production workers are rated unskilled workers by these firms. Shortage of specialized technical and vocational education and training (TVET) skills is particularly acute in transport, energy, manufacturing, including agro-processing, and ICT, and this could slow the industrialization agenda.

Regional Center of
Excellence in Building Technology

A careful mapping of skills needs assessment for the East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP) sectors provides concrete statistics that show severe skills shortage.

Regional Priorities


East Africa Countries have rolled out several transport and infractructure initiatives, including The (NCIP),The (CT),and The (LAPSSET) read more


East Africa has experienced Technological revolution after liberation of the telecommunications sector in the 1990s.This has read more

Power & Energy

Contries in East Africa have adopted policies and developed coorparations to promote the efficient utilisation of various energy read more


African countries, with support from the international community, have shown strong commitments to transforming the read more

Increased access and improve TVET programs

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Know EASTRIP Better

  • Hawassa Polytechnic College Begins Construction of USD11.8 million Regional Flagship TVET Institute in Textile Technology

    By Biruk Kassahun Hawassa Polytechnic College in Ethiopia has begun the construction of USD11.8 million Regional Flagship TVET Institute in Garment and Textile Technology following the official launch of the project.

    - The Hawassa City Administration granted six hectares of land to the college for the construction of the Regional Flagship TVET Institute.The construction project which has been behind schedule due to a number of challenges is expected to be executed in eighteen months.
  • East African countries adopt regional TVET qualifications framework

    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 26th May 2022 – Countries in East Africa including Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania have begun cooperation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

    - after adopting the Regional TVET Qualifications Framework.In a communique issued at the end of the meeting by Hon. Dr. Bekir Shale, the State Minister, Ministry of Labour
  • Meru National Polytechnic begins construction of USD 4.4 Million Centre of Excellence in Building and Construction Technology.

    Speaking during the ground-breaking ceremony at the institution, State Department for Vocational and Technical Training Principal Secretary Dr. Margaret W. Mwakima said that the project is being implemented by the national government in collaboration with the World Bank.

    - similar projects under the umbrella of EASTRIP were also being implemented in Ethiopia and Tanzania where the World Bank has allocated Sh29 billion

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